什么是 LAMDA?

LAMDA 是英国历史最悠久、最受尊敬的颁奖机构之一。 130 多年来,LAMDA 一直提供传播和表演科目的实作考试。在此期间,这些资格证书已帮助数十万各个年龄和能力的候选人发展终身技能。

LAMDA 考试关乎成就——认可和奖励每个人的努力——但它们也关乎赋权。最终目标是为所有人提供机会发展成功所需的生活技能:自信以及清晰沟通和表达想法的能力等品质。

LAMDA 考试的核心是认识到我们的资格适合所有人。在全球范围内,LAMDA 考试将不同年龄、能力、背景和文化的学习者团结起来,他们对英语语言充满热情,并渴望发展生活技能。


LAMDA 已被 Ofqual、英格兰资格和考试法规办公室以及威尔斯(威尔斯资格)和北爱尔兰 (CCEA) 相应监管机构认可为授予机构。

通过 Cue Drama 的考试类型

Solo Introductory

LAMDA Solo Introductory examinations are designed to develop basic communication skills and to introduce the learner to the LAMDA suite of graded examinations in Communication and Performance.

Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:
1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Communication skills.

Speaking Verse & Prose

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Communication: Speaking Verse and Prose are designed to develop the skills necessary for effective oral communication of the written word.

Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:
1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Knowledge of literature.

Musical Theatre

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Musical Theatre: Group are designed to develop the skills necessary to communicate the dramatic content of musical text in a group, to an audience.

Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:

1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Interaction skills

通过Cue Drama参加 LAMDA 考试有什么要求?​

1) Cue Drama 学生 2) 报名参加评估流程 3) 报名参加任何提示戏剧老师推荐的推荐等级