什麼是 LAMDA?
LAMDA 是英國歷史最悠久、最受尊敬的頒獎機構之一。 130 多年來,LAMDA 一直提供傳播和表演科目的實作考試。 在此期間,這些資格證書已幫助數十萬各個年齡和能力的候選人發展終身技能。
LAMDA 考試關乎成就——認可和獎勵每個人的努力——但它們也關乎賦權。 最終目標是為所有人提供機會發展成功所需的生活技能:自信以及清晰溝通和表達想法的能力等品質。
LAMDA 考試的核心是認識到我們的資格適合所有人。 在全球範圍內,LAMDA 考試將不同年齡、能力、背景和文化的學習者團結起來,他們對英語語言充滿熱情,並渴望發展生活技能。
LAMDA 已被 Ofqual、英格蘭資格和考試法規辦公室以及威爾斯(威爾斯資格)和北愛爾蘭 (CCEA) 相應監管機構認可為授予機構。
通過 Cue Drama 的考試類型
Solo Introductory
LAMDA Solo Introductory examinations are designed to develop basic communication skills and to introduce the learner to the LAMDA suite of graded examinations in Communication and Performance.
Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:
1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Communication skills.
Speaking Verse & Prose
LAMDA Graded Examinations in Communication: Speaking Verse and Prose are designed to develop the skills necessary for effective oral communication of the written word.
Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:
1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Knowledge of literature.
Musical Theatre
LAMDA Graded Examinations in Musical Theatre: Group are designed to develop the skills necessary to communicate the dramatic content of musical text in a group, to an audience.
Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:
1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Interaction skills