Press & Media Centre

Cue Children join hands with Lee Gardens
This Fall, Lee Gardens join hands with Cue Children and runs first ever royal etiquette workshops. Families, children, all come and have precious family moment at the Lee Gardens, and let children themselves unleash the potential of being little dukes and duchesses.

Little Miss Hong Kong
The Etiquette Coaches of Cue Children have been preparing 12 young girls for them to be Little Miss Hong Kong who come with beauty and wisdom. The first episode has been released in the《Kids, Think Big》on 10th August (Friday) for consecutive weeks, every Friday 4:30pm. Please click here to view the episodes.

Interview by TVB Finance Channel《Success In Career》
TVB Finance Channel《Success In Career》interviewed the founder of Cue Children and the table etiquette teacher on 8th December 2017. Please click here to view the video.

News Interview by Sky Post
Dempster Chan, founder of CUE CHILDREN, recently participated in an interview with ”Sky Post”. He suggested that Hong Kong parents are way too busy with their work to spend enough quality time with their children. It is extremely vital for parents to teach their children proper manners and etiquettes. The courses and systems organised by CUE CHILDREN targeted children in Hong Kong in hopes of teaching them how to be accepting, loving and proactive.
News Interview by Hong Kong Economic Times
News by
Even though no real food was being served in the simulated dining experience, the talented young actresses gave their all-in acting like they were in a fine dining setting. Jennie and Kitty even joked about it was unnecessary to serve them any pork as they are very faithful to their religion.
News by TVB Entertainment
News Interview by HK01
The founder of Cue Children shared his personal journey and discussed the rationale for the establishment of the social etiquette school in a recent interview with HK01. The school’s professionally-designed courses will be aimed at pioneering an alternative form of education that supports the development of Hong Kong’s future young ladies and gentlemen. At Cue Children, children will learn not only basic table etiquette and formal grooming tips, but also social networking skills and proper comportment under pressure.
RTHK's Made in Hong Kong
Cue Children at DBC
Founder of Cue Children, guest starred on the DBC program, Super Classroom. Mr. Chan brought his children on set to talk about his experiences teaching them proper manners and prepared a little quiz for the program hosts, Gaga and Sugar, aimed at testing their knowledge of formal etiquette.